Thursday, December 19, 2013

The end of another semester

Well, I made it through another semester, and took my last final.  I am so ready for Christmas Break, even though I will still be working over a lot of the holiday.  I am so exited to start my new classes in January.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all of you!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Frozen and Facebook After Finals

I am so excited to finish my finals next week!  Once I finish, I get to go see Frozen, which I have heard awesome things about, and I get my Facebook account back!  According to my email, I was tagged in 106 photos but I have no idea what the pictures are!  I am counting down the days to Christmas Break.

Here is a laugh from Clean Funny Pics:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor

Day of the Doctor was so awesome!  I absolutely loved it, and am ecstatic about the Christmas special.  (Is it sad that I am excited to see Matt Smith die?)  It will be fun to see what happens with the new Doctor.
Tardis.wikia has a countdown until the fateful day here:

I loved what they did with the other Doctor.  They basically told you what happened in the lost years during the Time War.  I do not want to give away anything for those who have not seen it, but now I want to go back and watch the Christopher Eccleston episodes again since I understand where he is coming from.

For any of you who didn't see it, here is the 7 minute "Night of the Doctor" clip that BBC put out.  This takes place before Day of the Doctor, and gives you a good lead-in to the episode.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Star Trekking Across the Universe

Finally saw Star Trek: Into Darkness.  I am starting to see a trend in sequel movie titles this year.  The movie was pretty good, especially for a sequel.  Benedict Cumberbatch does aloof and brilliant very well, although he is not a very warm character.

Tomorrow, I am going to watch the Doctor Who fiftieth anniversary special.  (Anybody get the reference in the blog address?)  Doctor Who is my absolute favorite TV show.  I cannot wait to see what is in store for the special.  You will definitely be hearing about it after I watch it!

Well, I don't really have much more to write right now.  Until tomorrow, here is a song for you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

On Monday, instead of doing homework, I went to see Thor: The Dark World.  The movie was AWESOME!

I have always had a soft spot for Loki's wit, but he provided all the comic relief in this movie.  Line after line was delivered with just that hint of sarcasm.  Thor has actually grown as a character, and Natalie Portman, who I have never been a big fan of, was not awful.  The plot was engaging and fast-moving, keeping the audience's interest.

This did not make my list of favorite movies, but Thor 2 was still worth seeing.  The next movie I am excited about is The Hobbit part 2.  It looks really good, and the series is so far holding its own when compared with the Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies.  Can't wait!

In other news, on Tuesday I had to ride The Creepy Bus.  Normally, the 470 isn't too bad, but on Tuesday evening I got on the bus and it was pitch black.  I could barely make out the bus driver, and once I made it to my seat I kept hearing eerie noises.  Fortunately, nothing happened before I got off.  I spent the whole trip imagining what would happen if I were in a horror movie on the bus!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

That moment when . . .

That moment when you are rereading a book for possibly the third time, and you realize that the child's attempt at pronouncing a holier-than-thou, sermonizing preacher's name comes out as Mockportent.  As in mock and important combined.  I laughed so hard!

Moments like that are why I love rereading books or re-watching movies.  There is always something else that you missed, whether it be a hidden joke, an underlying meaning, or a foreshadowing.  Whenever I find something new in one of my favorite books or movies, I feel so clever!

If you want the full story behind the "Mockportent incident, here is the book I was rereading:
Drops of Gold

The title of the book refers to golden leaves that fall into a river, which are supposed to bring happiness to the person who pulls one out of the water.

Ender's Game

This weekend I was finally able to go see Ender's Game in theaters.  It was really good considering the time frame they had to squeeze the story into.  The graphics were realistic and plausible.  I was drawn into the story from the very beginning, and loved the movie almost as much as the book.

As with any movie, the writers and directors did take certain liberties, adding and subtracting from the plot line to suit their needs, but they managed to stay true to the essence of the story.  I always appreciate that, and I have already recommended the movie to many people.

Of course, Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite authors.  I read Ender's Game in fifth grade, and a few years later I read Speaker for the Dead.  Although the second book was fairly good, it was not nearly as amazing as Ender's Game.  The other books in the spin-off series were also not quite as good as the original book.  Card's later books in particular started to get a little strange.

If you haven't seen Ender's Game yet, you should definitely go.  This weekend, I have to work, and then I plan on going to see Thor, yet another movie that I am ecstatic to see.  I will be writing my mini review on that one soon.  Until then, nerd on!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I finally started watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I love it!  The humor in the show is awesome, and I am excited to see what really happened with Agent Coulson.  The characters of the show are well-cast, and the way they interact with each other is great and entertaining.  At first, I was worried that the series wouldn't measure up against The Avengers, but so far I have been pleasantly surprised.

It will be interesting to see how the story of the show develops.  So far, each episode has its own problem and solution, with an overarching plot for the season/series.  Since my mom hates cliff hangers, whether they be in a book, movie, or a TV show, this is probably a good thing.

I am still stumped on a Halloween costume, but I still have five days, and I am sure I will come up with something.  It would probably help if I actually had a good night's sleep every once-in-a-while.

Three days ago I finished reading the sequel to Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight.  It was very good, but I was infuriated with the captain of the guard.  At first, I thought the prince was the less intelligent of the two leading men, but now I am convinced that the captain of the guard is the "dumb one," to quote one of my favorite Halloween movies.  He still hasn't gotten it through his head that the king is evil, and should never be trusted.  This is almost as irritating as new "Virals" book, where the main character, Tori, cannot figure out why her best friend Ben always acts so weird whenever she talks to a boy who has admitted he likes her.  Honestly, how dense can you be?

It is interesting how often the first book in a series gives you one view of the characters, but then a later book, often the second one, forces you to reevaluate your opinions of the various characters.  People you liked suddenly drive you crazy as they remain obstinately obtuse, while characters you used to dislike are suddenly your favorite people.  There are some series where I simply refused to read later books because I knew I would spend the entire book hitting my head against a wall.  Anyone else have a book they loved where a sequel drove them crazy?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Transfers and Colds and Sinus Infections, Oh My!

This past week has been awful.  First, I caught the cold that has been going around, and it hit me hard.  I hardly got out of bed all weekend, and I certainly did not get anything done.  Along with the cold, I also got a bad sinus infection.  Fortunately, I am now on medication and am feeling much better.

On a more positive note, I received my acceptance letter for my transfer to the University of Utah!  I am stoked, and cannot wait to meet with an adviser and figure out my schedule for the Spring semester.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Haven is on Netflix!

A year or so ago, I started watching Haven.  Unfortunately, I only ever got through the first three episodes.  Now, Haven is on Netflix, so I can start watching it again!  I am very excited to get started on this TV show again.  

Netflix has recently added quite a few new shows, and I can't wait to get started on them.  Unfortunately, with school and work, I have less time than ever to spend watching TV.  I am also working out a new exercise schedule to fit in with my new school schedule, and I am trying to work more on my Family History.  With everything that is going on, the next few weeks are sure to be both crazy and exciting!

Here is the opening for Haven!

As Halloween comes around, I am excited to see the costumes people pick.  When I was younger, there was a year when Harry Potter was big.  Every other kid you saw on the streets was wearing a cape and carrying a wand.  I am not sure what the big thing will be this year, but it is always fun to see how creative children can be on Halloween.  If I dress up, I want a simple costume that I will not have to spend much money on.  Thank goodness for Deseret Industries, the source of inexpensive clothing and hidden treasures. 

In school, it is getting close to that awful time of year: midterms.  The only thing worse than a midterm is a final, and unfortunately finals stand between me and Christmas.  Oh, well.  I have survived this long, so I believe I will make it through another semester with tolerable grades.  

To help put me in the mood to study, here are some laughs (or smirks).

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Star Wars and Birthday Cake

Today my sister had her birthday.  For her cake, she chose a Star Wars cake, and it is pretty awesome.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it.  I am so proud of my sister, who has also come to embrace her inner nerd.  

Right now, I am sitting at work, watching people come and go, and letting my mind wander.  I am so excited for the premier of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight!  Unfortunately, I will be in class at that time, so I am really hoping that somebody in my family remembers to record it.  If nobody does, maybe I can find it online somewhere.  So far, all of the Marvel movies have been pretty good, and Avengers was awesome.  If the new TV series follows the trend, it should be fun to watch.  When I found out that Agent Coulson was being brought back, I was ecstatic.  He was one of my favorite characters, and I almost cried when he died in the Avengers.  I cannot wait to see what they do with the new series!  After I watch the premier, I will probably be blogging some more about it, so you will probably be hearing from me again soon!

Until then, allons-y!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Halloween and Anthropology

In my Anthropology class, the five best costumes for Halloween get five extra credit points.  Now, I am all about the extra credit, but I am terrible at coming up with costume ideas.  It doesn't help that I am currently a poor college student, so my resources are fairly limited.  I suppose I could always go with something a little lame or a little cheesy, like the "costume" shirt, or the inside of a purse, but I would rather go with something a bit more creative and, well, nerdy.

If money was not an issue, I would probably go as a character from one of my favorite TV series or movies.  Then again, I could always go with some obscure book reference that most people would be clueless about, like Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant.

In the end, I will probably do as I always do and not dress up, unless inspiration hits me between now and the end of next month.

This weekend is the big rivalry football game for Utah, Brigham Young University vs. the University of Utah.  If you have no idea what I am talking about, just Google BYU UofU rivalry.  Wikipedia even has a page on it.  Basically, almost everyone in Northern Utah has a team, either BYU or the University of Utah, one of the newest members of the PAC 12.  My neighborhood has an annual rivalry party, with treats that go with either BYU blue, or the U red.  While we try to keep the rivalry friendly, many people get extremely invested in the rivalry.  If you are ever in Utah, ask somebody which team they support, and most of the time you will get a strong answer.  Of course, mixed among the Ute fans and BYU fans, there are some supporters of the Utah State Aggies.  As the game draws closer, I think I have to side with the Brigham Young University team this time around.  Last year, it was a very close game, although BYU still lost, and the year before that, Utah totally creamed BYU.  To both teams, I wish the best of luck and pray for as few injuries as possible.  Let the games begin!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Doctor a Day Keeps the Apples Away

Doctor Who.  My favorite TV show.  The one thing guaranteed to bring out the geek in me.  Sadly, we have to wait until November for the totally awesome anniversary episode, which will have Matt Smith, David Tennant, and other people from previous episodes.  Then, in the new season, we get to see Matt Smith die, as a new doctor takes his place. 

At first glance, the new doctor seems old.  The new doctors have all been younger.  However, looking back at the original doctors, Peter Capaldi fits right in, age-wise.  I will be very excited to see how he portrays his doctor.  One of the best things about the show is that with each regeneration, the Doctor not only gets a new face, but he also gets a new personality.  Instead of bringing in a new Doctor and trying to pass them off as the same person as the old one, each actor gets to bring their own special flavor into the mix of the person we know as "The Doctor." 

I have to admit, I am a huge fan of the new companion, Clara Oswald.  She is witty, fun, and brunette!  From the first time she was introduced, I was captivated by her.  At the end of the last season, we learned why the Doctor keeps running in to her.  Now, she knows most of his story, as much as anybody can know the story of the Doctor.  I cannot wait to see what new adventures these two have, and how they interact with each other.

Until next time,

Friday, September 6, 2013

Another Nerd Rides the Bus

Welcome, fellow nerds!  (We know who we are.) My name is Rebecca, and I am the nerd running this show.  Right now, ComicCon is happening in Salt Lake City.  Sadly, I am unable to go, as I have to work.  However, I did meet some nice people on the bus who did get to go.  They have had a great time so far.

If you are on this page, you probably consider yourself a nerd.  Here is a list of some of the things I am a total nerd about:
Doctor Who
Lord of the Rings
The Avengers
I am sure there are many more, and you will probably find out about them in future posts.

First on the list is Doctor Who.  I watched my first episode when I was around 8.  Everyone remembers their first doctor, and mine was Tom Baker.  When they started making the series again, I was ecstatic!  My favorite doctor is Ten, played by David Tennant.  Every Whovian girl's dream is to have a madman with a box show up and take her away to see the stars.  If you have no idea what I am talking about, you should check out the show.

I read The Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was in fourth grade.  I love the world the author created, and the adventures that the characters go on.  When they made the books into movies, I was surprised to find out how true they were to the books.  Right now, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of part II of The Hobbit.

Since I was very young, I have had a deep love for the written word.  Books open up new worlds, and I always have at least one series where I am anxiously awaiting the next book, and most of  the books I own are ones that I love to reread over and over again.  Right now, my favorite series is Skulduggery Pleasant, which is about a girl and a skeleton who go about solving mysteries and saving the world.

I had to buy the Avengers as soon as it came out.  I loved the movie, and all the movies that lead up to it.  The parts were perfectly cast, and I cannot wait to see the next one.

Now that you know a little about me, I would love to hear about what you are nerdy about.