Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Star Wars and Birthday Cake

Today my sister had her birthday.  For her cake, she chose a Star Wars cake, and it is pretty awesome.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it.  I am so proud of my sister, who has also come to embrace her inner nerd.  

Right now, I am sitting at work, watching people come and go, and letting my mind wander.  I am so excited for the premier of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight!  Unfortunately, I will be in class at that time, so I am really hoping that somebody in my family remembers to record it.  If nobody does, maybe I can find it online somewhere.  So far, all of the Marvel movies have been pretty good, and Avengers was awesome.  If the new TV series follows the trend, it should be fun to watch.  When I found out that Agent Coulson was being brought back, I was ecstatic.  He was one of my favorite characters, and I almost cried when he died in the Avengers.  I cannot wait to see what they do with the new series!  After I watch the premier, I will probably be blogging some more about it, so you will probably be hearing from me again soon!

Until then, allons-y!

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