Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ender's Game

This weekend I was finally able to go see Ender's Game in theaters.  It was really good considering the time frame they had to squeeze the story into.  The graphics were realistic and plausible.  I was drawn into the story from the very beginning, and loved the movie almost as much as the book.

As with any movie, the writers and directors did take certain liberties, adding and subtracting from the plot line to suit their needs, but they managed to stay true to the essence of the story.  I always appreciate that, and I have already recommended the movie to many people.

Of course, Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite authors.  I read Ender's Game in fifth grade, and a few years later I read Speaker for the Dead.  Although the second book was fairly good, it was not nearly as amazing as Ender's Game.  The other books in the spin-off series were also not quite as good as the original book.  Card's later books in particular started to get a little strange.

If you haven't seen Ender's Game yet, you should definitely go.  This weekend, I have to work, and then I plan on going to see Thor, yet another movie that I am ecstatic to see.  I will be writing my mini review on that one soon.  Until then, nerd on!

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