Tuesday, November 5, 2013

That moment when . . .

That moment when you are rereading a book for possibly the third time, and you realize that the child's attempt at pronouncing a holier-than-thou, sermonizing preacher's name comes out as Mockportent.  As in mock and important combined.  I laughed so hard!

Moments like that are why I love rereading books or re-watching movies.  There is always something else that you missed, whether it be a hidden joke, an underlying meaning, or a foreshadowing.  Whenever I find something new in one of my favorite books or movies, I feel so clever!

If you want the full story behind the "Mockportent incident, here is the book I was rereading:
Drops of Gold

The title of the book refers to golden leaves that fall into a river, which are supposed to bring happiness to the person who pulls one out of the water.

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