Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Haven is on Netflix!

A year or so ago, I started watching Haven.  Unfortunately, I only ever got through the first three episodes.  Now, Haven is on Netflix, so I can start watching it again!  I am very excited to get started on this TV show again.  

Netflix has recently added quite a few new shows, and I can't wait to get started on them.  Unfortunately, with school and work, I have less time than ever to spend watching TV.  I am also working out a new exercise schedule to fit in with my new school schedule, and I am trying to work more on my Family History.  With everything that is going on, the next few weeks are sure to be both crazy and exciting!

Here is the opening for Haven!

As Halloween comes around, I am excited to see the costumes people pick.  When I was younger, there was a year when Harry Potter was big.  Every other kid you saw on the streets was wearing a cape and carrying a wand.  I am not sure what the big thing will be this year, but it is always fun to see how creative children can be on Halloween.  If I dress up, I want a simple costume that I will not have to spend much money on.  Thank goodness for Deseret Industries, the source of inexpensive clothing and hidden treasures. 

In school, it is getting close to that awful time of year: midterms.  The only thing worse than a midterm is a final, and unfortunately finals stand between me and Christmas.  Oh, well.  I have survived this long, so I believe I will make it through another semester with tolerable grades.  

To help put me in the mood to study, here are some laughs (or smirks).

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