Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I finally started watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I love it!  The humor in the show is awesome, and I am excited to see what really happened with Agent Coulson.  The characters of the show are well-cast, and the way they interact with each other is great and entertaining.  At first, I was worried that the series wouldn't measure up against The Avengers, but so far I have been pleasantly surprised.

It will be interesting to see how the story of the show develops.  So far, each episode has its own problem and solution, with an overarching plot for the season/series.  Since my mom hates cliff hangers, whether they be in a book, movie, or a TV show, this is probably a good thing.

I am still stumped on a Halloween costume, but I still have five days, and I am sure I will come up with something.  It would probably help if I actually had a good night's sleep every once-in-a-while.

Three days ago I finished reading the sequel to Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight.  It was very good, but I was infuriated with the captain of the guard.  At first, I thought the prince was the less intelligent of the two leading men, but now I am convinced that the captain of the guard is the "dumb one," to quote one of my favorite Halloween movies.  He still hasn't gotten it through his head that the king is evil, and should never be trusted.  This is almost as irritating as new "Virals" book, where the main character, Tori, cannot figure out why her best friend Ben always acts so weird whenever she talks to a boy who has admitted he likes her.  Honestly, how dense can you be?

It is interesting how often the first book in a series gives you one view of the characters, but then a later book, often the second one, forces you to reevaluate your opinions of the various characters.  People you liked suddenly drive you crazy as they remain obstinately obtuse, while characters you used to dislike are suddenly your favorite people.  There are some series where I simply refused to read later books because I knew I would spend the entire book hitting my head against a wall.  Anyone else have a book they loved where a sequel drove them crazy?

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