Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Doctor a Day Keeps the Apples Away

Doctor Who.  My favorite TV show.  The one thing guaranteed to bring out the geek in me.  Sadly, we have to wait until November for the totally awesome anniversary episode, which will have Matt Smith, David Tennant, and other people from previous episodes.  Then, in the new season, we get to see Matt Smith die, as a new doctor takes his place. 

At first glance, the new doctor seems old.  The new doctors have all been younger.  However, looking back at the original doctors, Peter Capaldi fits right in, age-wise.  I will be very excited to see how he portrays his doctor.  One of the best things about the show is that with each regeneration, the Doctor not only gets a new face, but he also gets a new personality.  Instead of bringing in a new Doctor and trying to pass them off as the same person as the old one, each actor gets to bring their own special flavor into the mix of the person we know as "The Doctor." 

I have to admit, I am a huge fan of the new companion, Clara Oswald.  She is witty, fun, and brunette!  From the first time she was introduced, I was captivated by her.  At the end of the last season, we learned why the Doctor keeps running in to her.  Now, she knows most of his story, as much as anybody can know the story of the Doctor.  I cannot wait to see what new adventures these two have, and how they interact with each other.

Until next time,

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