Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

On Monday, instead of doing homework, I went to see Thor: The Dark World.  The movie was AWESOME!

I have always had a soft spot for Loki's wit, but he provided all the comic relief in this movie.  Line after line was delivered with just that hint of sarcasm.  Thor has actually grown as a character, and Natalie Portman, who I have never been a big fan of, was not awful.  The plot was engaging and fast-moving, keeping the audience's interest.

This did not make my list of favorite movies, but Thor 2 was still worth seeing.  The next movie I am excited about is The Hobbit part 2.  It looks really good, and the series is so far holding its own when compared with the Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies.  Can't wait!

In other news, on Tuesday I had to ride The Creepy Bus.  Normally, the 470 isn't too bad, but on Tuesday evening I got on the bus and it was pitch black.  I could barely make out the bus driver, and once I made it to my seat I kept hearing eerie noises.  Fortunately, nothing happened before I got off.  I spent the whole trip imagining what would happen if I were in a horror movie on the bus!

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