Saturday, November 23, 2013

Star Trekking Across the Universe

Finally saw Star Trek: Into Darkness.  I am starting to see a trend in sequel movie titles this year.  The movie was pretty good, especially for a sequel.  Benedict Cumberbatch does aloof and brilliant very well, although he is not a very warm character.

Tomorrow, I am going to watch the Doctor Who fiftieth anniversary special.  (Anybody get the reference in the blog address?)  Doctor Who is my absolute favorite TV show.  I cannot wait to see what is in store for the special.  You will definitely be hearing about it after I watch it!

Well, I don't really have much more to write right now.  Until tomorrow, here is a song for you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the posts, Rebecca. I think I was a nerd well before the word was invented. I loved the original Star Trek (actually saw it on TV as the episodes were first released), and I liked STNG even better. I started watching Dr. Who in the 80s, then they stopped the shows for a while and I got out of the habit. I guess I'm going to have to check out the offerings on Netflix.

    I enjoyed having you in class. You added some personality I very much appreciated.

    I wish you the best in coming new year.

    Brother J
