Saturday, November 23, 2013

Star Trekking Across the Universe

Finally saw Star Trek: Into Darkness.  I am starting to see a trend in sequel movie titles this year.  The movie was pretty good, especially for a sequel.  Benedict Cumberbatch does aloof and brilliant very well, although he is not a very warm character.

Tomorrow, I am going to watch the Doctor Who fiftieth anniversary special.  (Anybody get the reference in the blog address?)  Doctor Who is my absolute favorite TV show.  I cannot wait to see what is in store for the special.  You will definitely be hearing about it after I watch it!

Well, I don't really have much more to write right now.  Until tomorrow, here is a song for you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

On Monday, instead of doing homework, I went to see Thor: The Dark World.  The movie was AWESOME!

I have always had a soft spot for Loki's wit, but he provided all the comic relief in this movie.  Line after line was delivered with just that hint of sarcasm.  Thor has actually grown as a character, and Natalie Portman, who I have never been a big fan of, was not awful.  The plot was engaging and fast-moving, keeping the audience's interest.

This did not make my list of favorite movies, but Thor 2 was still worth seeing.  The next movie I am excited about is The Hobbit part 2.  It looks really good, and the series is so far holding its own when compared with the Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies.  Can't wait!

In other news, on Tuesday I had to ride The Creepy Bus.  Normally, the 470 isn't too bad, but on Tuesday evening I got on the bus and it was pitch black.  I could barely make out the bus driver, and once I made it to my seat I kept hearing eerie noises.  Fortunately, nothing happened before I got off.  I spent the whole trip imagining what would happen if I were in a horror movie on the bus!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

That moment when . . .

That moment when you are rereading a book for possibly the third time, and you realize that the child's attempt at pronouncing a holier-than-thou, sermonizing preacher's name comes out as Mockportent.  As in mock and important combined.  I laughed so hard!

Moments like that are why I love rereading books or re-watching movies.  There is always something else that you missed, whether it be a hidden joke, an underlying meaning, or a foreshadowing.  Whenever I find something new in one of my favorite books or movies, I feel so clever!

If you want the full story behind the "Mockportent incident, here is the book I was rereading:
Drops of Gold

The title of the book refers to golden leaves that fall into a river, which are supposed to bring happiness to the person who pulls one out of the water.

Ender's Game

This weekend I was finally able to go see Ender's Game in theaters.  It was really good considering the time frame they had to squeeze the story into.  The graphics were realistic and plausible.  I was drawn into the story from the very beginning, and loved the movie almost as much as the book.

As with any movie, the writers and directors did take certain liberties, adding and subtracting from the plot line to suit their needs, but they managed to stay true to the essence of the story.  I always appreciate that, and I have already recommended the movie to many people.

Of course, Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite authors.  I read Ender's Game in fifth grade, and a few years later I read Speaker for the Dead.  Although the second book was fairly good, it was not nearly as amazing as Ender's Game.  The other books in the spin-off series were also not quite as good as the original book.  Card's later books in particular started to get a little strange.

If you haven't seen Ender's Game yet, you should definitely go.  This weekend, I have to work, and then I plan on going to see Thor, yet another movie that I am ecstatic to see.  I will be writing my mini review on that one soon.  Until then, nerd on!