Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Star Wars and Birthday Cake

Today my sister had her birthday.  For her cake, she chose a Star Wars cake, and it is pretty awesome.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it.  I am so proud of my sister, who has also come to embrace her inner nerd.  

Right now, I am sitting at work, watching people come and go, and letting my mind wander.  I am so excited for the premier of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight!  Unfortunately, I will be in class at that time, so I am really hoping that somebody in my family remembers to record it.  If nobody does, maybe I can find it online somewhere.  So far, all of the Marvel movies have been pretty good, and Avengers was awesome.  If the new TV series follows the trend, it should be fun to watch.  When I found out that Agent Coulson was being brought back, I was ecstatic.  He was one of my favorite characters, and I almost cried when he died in the Avengers.  I cannot wait to see what they do with the new series!  After I watch the premier, I will probably be blogging some more about it, so you will probably be hearing from me again soon!

Until then, allons-y!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Halloween and Anthropology

In my Anthropology class, the five best costumes for Halloween get five extra credit points.  Now, I am all about the extra credit, but I am terrible at coming up with costume ideas.  It doesn't help that I am currently a poor college student, so my resources are fairly limited.  I suppose I could always go with something a little lame or a little cheesy, like the "costume" shirt, or the inside of a purse, but I would rather go with something a bit more creative and, well, nerdy.

If money was not an issue, I would probably go as a character from one of my favorite TV series or movies.  Then again, I could always go with some obscure book reference that most people would be clueless about, like Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant.

In the end, I will probably do as I always do and not dress up, unless inspiration hits me between now and the end of next month.

This weekend is the big rivalry football game for Utah, Brigham Young University vs. the University of Utah.  If you have no idea what I am talking about, just Google BYU UofU rivalry.  Wikipedia even has a page on it.  Basically, almost everyone in Northern Utah has a team, either BYU or the University of Utah, one of the newest members of the PAC 12.  My neighborhood has an annual rivalry party, with treats that go with either BYU blue, or the U red.  While we try to keep the rivalry friendly, many people get extremely invested in the rivalry.  If you are ever in Utah, ask somebody which team they support, and most of the time you will get a strong answer.  Of course, mixed among the Ute fans and BYU fans, there are some supporters of the Utah State Aggies.  As the game draws closer, I think I have to side with the Brigham Young University team this time around.  Last year, it was a very close game, although BYU still lost, and the year before that, Utah totally creamed BYU.  To both teams, I wish the best of luck and pray for as few injuries as possible.  Let the games begin!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Doctor a Day Keeps the Apples Away

Doctor Who.  My favorite TV show.  The one thing guaranteed to bring out the geek in me.  Sadly, we have to wait until November for the totally awesome anniversary episode, which will have Matt Smith, David Tennant, and other people from previous episodes.  Then, in the new season, we get to see Matt Smith die, as a new doctor takes his place. 

At first glance, the new doctor seems old.  The new doctors have all been younger.  However, looking back at the original doctors, Peter Capaldi fits right in, age-wise.  I will be very excited to see how he portrays his doctor.  One of the best things about the show is that with each regeneration, the Doctor not only gets a new face, but he also gets a new personality.  Instead of bringing in a new Doctor and trying to pass them off as the same person as the old one, each actor gets to bring their own special flavor into the mix of the person we know as "The Doctor." 

I have to admit, I am a huge fan of the new companion, Clara Oswald.  She is witty, fun, and brunette!  From the first time she was introduced, I was captivated by her.  At the end of the last season, we learned why the Doctor keeps running in to her.  Now, she knows most of his story, as much as anybody can know the story of the Doctor.  I cannot wait to see what new adventures these two have, and how they interact with each other.

Until next time,

Friday, September 6, 2013

Another Nerd Rides the Bus

Welcome, fellow nerds!  (We know who we are.) My name is Rebecca, and I am the nerd running this show.  Right now, ComicCon is happening in Salt Lake City.  Sadly, I am unable to go, as I have to work.  However, I did meet some nice people on the bus who did get to go.  They have had a great time so far.

If you are on this page, you probably consider yourself a nerd.  Here is a list of some of the things I am a total nerd about:
Doctor Who
Lord of the Rings
The Avengers
I am sure there are many more, and you will probably find out about them in future posts.

First on the list is Doctor Who.  I watched my first episode when I was around 8.  Everyone remembers their first doctor, and mine was Tom Baker.  When they started making the series again, I was ecstatic!  My favorite doctor is Ten, played by David Tennant.  Every Whovian girl's dream is to have a madman with a box show up and take her away to see the stars.  If you have no idea what I am talking about, you should check out the show.

I read The Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was in fourth grade.  I love the world the author created, and the adventures that the characters go on.  When they made the books into movies, I was surprised to find out how true they were to the books.  Right now, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of part II of The Hobbit.

Since I was very young, I have had a deep love for the written word.  Books open up new worlds, and I always have at least one series where I am anxiously awaiting the next book, and most of  the books I own are ones that I love to reread over and over again.  Right now, my favorite series is Skulduggery Pleasant, which is about a girl and a skeleton who go about solving mysteries and saving the world.

I had to buy the Avengers as soon as it came out.  I loved the movie, and all the movies that lead up to it.  The parts were perfectly cast, and I cannot wait to see the next one.

Now that you know a little about me, I would love to hear about what you are nerdy about.