Thursday, December 19, 2013

The end of another semester

Well, I made it through another semester, and took my last final.  I am so ready for Christmas Break, even though I will still be working over a lot of the holiday.  I am so exited to start my new classes in January.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all of you!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Frozen and Facebook After Finals

I am so excited to finish my finals next week!  Once I finish, I get to go see Frozen, which I have heard awesome things about, and I get my Facebook account back!  According to my email, I was tagged in 106 photos but I have no idea what the pictures are!  I am counting down the days to Christmas Break.

Here is a laugh from Clean Funny Pics:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor

Day of the Doctor was so awesome!  I absolutely loved it, and am ecstatic about the Christmas special.  (Is it sad that I am excited to see Matt Smith die?)  It will be fun to see what happens with the new Doctor.
Tardis.wikia has a countdown until the fateful day here:

I loved what they did with the other Doctor.  They basically told you what happened in the lost years during the Time War.  I do not want to give away anything for those who have not seen it, but now I want to go back and watch the Christopher Eccleston episodes again since I understand where he is coming from.

For any of you who didn't see it, here is the 7 minute "Night of the Doctor" clip that BBC put out.  This takes place before Day of the Doctor, and gives you a good lead-in to the episode.